A computer reads your resume

Computer screen with notice to use KeywordsI often help people with their resume and find that the person I am helping has no clue that a computer software package reads their resume.  They lack the keywords on their resume to match the job description to make it beyond the computer software scan and into a human’s hands/in-box.  No keywords – your resume is “virtually shredded.”

They often have just a generic resume that they send to all inquiries and then wonder why they are not getting the call back for an interview!  YOU CANNOT DO THIS IN THIS COMPUTER AGE!!!!  If it sounds like I am yelling – I am.  It is imperative that you match as many keywords from the job description as possible or your chances of getting a call for an interview dwindles.  No you do not need to meet all of the keywords!  Emphasize the keywords you match and don’t comment on those that you don’t meet.  If the keyword is mentioned 2 or 3 times – it should be in your resume as well.

If you don’t have experience with matching keywords – I wrote two articles about how to do this – Part I and Part II.

I often hear…”this is so much work” – well that is your job when you want another job…and yep it is work.  While the internet has made job hunting easier – it has also made it 250X more competitive.  Make sure the computer software loves your resume so that you can get that interview!


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